We were doing flowers as a memoriam for a member of the congregation and I asked J if she minded if I brought some additional flowers and made a special arrangement from me for my Mum.
So despite the sad nature of the day we had a lovely time as usual and it felt very fitting to be in Church. Some photos of the arrangements we did ..... I wanted to do this one on the font it is my favourite spot in Church to do!!
a closer look, yes it breaks some rules but why not, the large chrysanthemum were quite pricey so I only got 3 and not 5 or 7, and leucodendron safari sunset always looks good, but I love this style of container they have at Church, it works in many ways including upside down. Of course I can see all of the mistakes - the line of yellow roses could be a little further over to the right and bigger blooms would have helped, they do extend out to the left but you can't see them in the photo. I always feel with the font that I want to take some interest around the back of the arrangement too for the congregation who sit behind the font so it becomes more an all around asymmetrical arrangement!!
J's pedestal, she said she wasn't feeling it, but once the lilies were opened I think it would have filled out and looked even better.
J's favourite spot on the poor box.....
There were some ornamental cabbages (Brassica oleracea - possibly crane bicolour or white crane) so I teemed them with some contorted hazel, foliage and made a modern arrangement on the Missionary table which worked so well and looked lovely against the white painted wall. It had the beginnings of a Christmassy look about it.
Sadly I wasn't available to help out with decorating the Church for Christmas as it was on a Saturday when I was busy with Jamie's activities and Mike was working, but fingers crossed I may be able to help out next year.
Finally an arrangement I did at home using garden foliage and 5 Iris, simple line arrangement, in a glass dish with stones - it has a Ikebana feel about it too.
Reading challenge 15/16 - currently reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (not off my reading challenge)
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