Happy Birthday Jamie XXX
It was Jamie's birthday today, so he had to survive a day at school before he could open his presents or any of the fun could begin, how rotten are we!! Well not very judging by the picture below he appears to be very happy.
We had got him a laptop which was received with much delight as you can imagine, and he ended up with lots of pennies to spend too.
We headed off to TGI for something to eat, I can't remember what now as I am writing this so far behind!! and then off to the Theatre.

CCBB was good fun and the car really does fly, no big names in this version of the production but still enjoyable nevertheless and of course the car is the star. Lots of positives wonderful costumes, great sets, all the familiar songs and the dogs. There were no outstanding performances just good performances all round.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was very enjoyable, very colourful, brilliant songs great fun, an enjoyable evening for the family portion of birthday celebrations.
Reading challenge 10/16 - currently reading Songbird by Josephine Cox
Reading challenge 10/16 - currently reading Songbird by Josephine Cox
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