Friday 2 November 2012

Friday Fill Ins

Friday Fill-Ins

1. I was pleased to see the sunshine when I woke up this morning.
2. My husband says I become a little strange(r) when the moon is full.
3. When we have the chance to be together as a family .....
4. .... during the week it is the best!
5. Underneath it all I am still singing!!
6. Oh! And thanks for the opportunity to spend a lovely day together.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to coming home after Skyfall and a Pizza and reading my book, tomorrow my plans include preparing for work on Monday and Tuesday and having a long walk and Sunday, I want to go to Church, do some work for college and then we go to Prezzo for the end of half term.

Reading Persuasion by Jane Austen


  1. Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead!!! Enjoy it!

    My Friday Fill In Is Here

  2. My kids certainly become stranger when the moon is full. Perhaps you are a kid at heart! :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!! You can see my answers here:

  3. You're strange when the moon is full? There's nothing wrong with that. I'm ALWAYS strange! LOL!
    Have a wonderful week,

  4. Saw you on Friday Fill-Ins. =) Have a great weekend, and God bless! =)


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