Thursday 3 November 2011

DVD Reviews - Mississippi Burning and A Clockwork Orange

Mississippi Burning has to be one of my favourite films, as everything about it is excellent - except of course the time and story which it depicts but it tells that story so effectively that you can really appreciate the tension and hatred of that time.  The film is set in early 1960's Mississippi, where two FBI agents go to investigate the disappearance of civil rights workers, it is based on a real life case which happened in Neshoba County in 1964.  It is a tough film both in its content and to watch as there is a lot of violence but it reflects the time in which the story is set and the story it is telling.

The relationship between the two FBI agents - the northern, liberal and idealistic Ward played by Willem Defoe and the older, southern, pragmatic and very wily Anderson played by Gene Hackman is at the core of the film and the acting of the two men gives the film a strong story to base the factual story around.  I pretty much think anything with Gene Hackman in is worth a watch - he has grown in stature for me over the years - a fantastic actor.  This film is really well worth a watch.

A Clockwork Orange is also a violent film but it seemed so much more gratuitous - I have to say I didn't enjoy this film at all - not worth a watch for me and I really just wondered what all of the fuss was about.


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