Thursday 26 November 2009

And The Rest of the Week

This week was a fairly quiet week for us with not too much stuff going on. Well Mike was busy busy with Friars as the next gig is coming up and so had interviews and stuff to do for that.

Jamie had an interesting experience at school when a singer called Hannah came into the school to perform for them. They all had a thoroughly brilliant time and he was really enthusiastic about it all when he got home. Great fun for the kids and a good marketing tool too, certainly raised her profile in this part of MK! Here's a link to some pictures from her school tour, but can't see any from Jamie's school.

I finally got around to reading the book for the book group I've joined on Facebook. It was started by someone from the scrapbooking crop. I think she has intentions of it becoming a proper reading group eventually, where everyone meets up in person. One on Facebook is good for me at the moment, because of college and all of its time constraints, but once college is over then I will look forward to being part of a meeting up reading group.

So here is my full review of the book - please beware of spoilers before reading this.

The Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver

I had intended to read a Jeffery Deaver for some time and had never managed to get around to it and so was pleased when this was chosen as the book for the reading group. Once I had got around my mix up with characters (I thought the Morgan Freeman character from some films was Lincoln Rhyme I think that character may belong to James Patterson) I was on my way and charged through the book at a cracking pace, well for me and reading at the moment!

The central theme of the book is the amount of information which is now available about each and everyone of us out there in the 'computer-internetsphere' (my word) be it from credit cards and store loyalty cards through to travel cards logging us onto the bus or train, not to mention social networking, blogging etc etc. And yes it did make me think about blogging, facebook etc but I feel that we can either choose to live in fear or take a level of precaution and get on and enjoy our lives, so I think its obvious which path I have chosen.

There is a killer who is killing and then framing someone for the murder, he is getting two victims for the price of one, stalking two for the price of one really. And when Rhyme's cousin is set up as the murderer of the latest victim, Rhyme and his team get to work. They find out that the killer has been doing this for some time and has left a great number of people dead and others in prison for the murders. The killer is clever and is privy to information coming from a 'data mining' company. He researches his victims and sets himself up as the perfect person for them to meet, shared interests, favourite places, the information is seemingly out there about us. He researches his patsy, the one the police will find the evidence pointing to their guilt. And then he commits his crime, he is a very clever killer and has become well practised in what he does.

Coming into a series of books well into the run I didn't feel it detracted from the story at all and has encouraged me to add Deaver to my list of crime authors who I regularly dip into. Yes the characters do already have a history but you learn enough to enjoy this book in its own right and never have to read another to fill in the gaps if that was your choice.

What I really admired was the way Deaver told the story with great detail and intricacy, but never to the point of not understanding what was going on. Of course he writes leading us in one particular direction, so we think it may be this character or that and I was surprised when the murderer was revealed, which is something I always welcome. You also feel Rhymes impotence at being stuck in his chair, in his home and not able to be following up leads for himself.

This book is an enjoyable read, well paced and has some interesting characters Rhymes and Sachs being the most obvious. It touches on some interesting areas of modern day life and gives some food for thought. And it is a jolly good crime thriller. Well worth a read.




Reading challenge 10/16 - currently reading The Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver

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